Welcome to our blog. Are you a student stumbling your way through vet school? For all our fellow vet students and practitioners, this is the most perfect and relatable place. Let’s share all our extraordinary experiences!

The first day… What thought comes to your mind when you think about your first day at college?
It’s a different experience, a new episode in everyones’ life.
I didn’t realise that until I talked to a bunch of my batchmates.
All of us had such distinct reactions. It was hard to figure out what people were actually going through.
As far as I could observe,
The extroverts were eager and excited to explore their freedom, to get out of their house and to start this new phase of their life.
Meanwhile, the introverts, including me… for us it was more about adjusting to the change, coming out of our comfort zone, finding a way to fit in with all these new people and also somehow dealing with the homesickness.
Then there were the people who were feeling mixed emotions. They were happy to be here but were also upset about leaving home.
Some of us were experiencing language barriers…
Some were sick from the hostel food.
Some had trouble getting used to the weather.
Some couldn’t sleep at night.
But some were also having fun, making friends, and helping the ones in need.

I still remember my first class.
It was an Anatomy Lab period.
I was more nervous than excited. It was all so new for me, I was still getting used to this sudden switch in my way of living.
But somehow it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
My classmates were friendly.
The professors were considerate and helpful.
I didn’t feel out of place.

No matter if some of us were in survival mode, or if some were enjoying to the fullest… we all had expectations to live up to. We all had dreams and hopes… We were all here for a purpose regardless of the ups and downs.
We were here to learn, to grasp opportunities, to understand this new chapter in the book of our life.
We were all here to become veterinarians.


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